Ritherdon Online Shop Product Blog — Fire

How Does a Ritherdon FireSeal Work?

FAQ Fire FireSeal Meter Box Repair Passive Safe

How Does a Ritherdon FireSeal Work?

In the event of a fire in a multi-occupancy building such as a block of flats it is essential that the fire is contained at source while it is extinguished and/or the building is evacuated. The Code of Practice for Fire Safety in Buildings (BS 9999: 2008) recommends that critical walls in a building should provide a minimum level of fire resistance. The Ritherdon range of passive fire protection products has grown from the need to provide fire-rated covers for new kinds of breach being discovered in fire risk assessments.  In many buildings walls and floors have been breached for example by in-set electricity meter boxes, dry...

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How Does a Ritherdon Riser FireSeal Work?

FAQs Fire FireSeal

How Does a Ritherdon Riser FireSeal Work?

Riser shafts running vertically up through a building are often identified as potential fire routes in FRAs.  Compartmentalization between floors has traditionally been achieved by putting horizontal breaks inside the riser. However, these are breached whenever a new pipe or wire is installed (often being resealed with the universal ‘pink foam’).  The Riser FireSeal is fitted over the front of the riser to form a vertical barrier. This is much less susceptible to disturbance and its integrity can be checked at a glance in future assessments.  Designed and tested to provide at least 60 min fire resistance (EN1364 and EN1366 tests) to riser openings and maintain compartments between floors in buildings  Shortlisted for Passive Fire Innovation...

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How Does a Ritherdon R22 FireSeal Work?

FAQs Fire FireSeal Meter Box Repair

How Does a Ritherdon R22 FireSeal Work?

A common issue being picked up in fire risk assessments is when gas meters have been installed along fire escape routes in multi-occupancy residential buildings. Standard gas meter boxes do not provide adequate fire resistance and it is recommended that these meters should be covered with a fire-resistant box. So Ritherdon designed and added the new R22 FireSeal to our passive fire protection range.  R22 FireSeal is a modification of our standard R22 meter box repair unit. and, like the standard R22 unit, it is designed to be retrofitted and replace the old plastic box; in this case with a fire-resistant box for the gas meter. It has intumescent seals right around the door and between the back of the unit...

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Do I need a Fire Resistant Meter Box?

Fire Meter Box Repair

Do I need a Fire Resistant Meter Box?

We designed the R5 back in the 1970s for the electricity boards. The electricity companies needed a more vandal-resistant and sometimes fire resistant alternative to the plastic meter box. The R5 design matches most closely to the appearance to the standard Small GRP box.  Supplied in two halves allowing fitting of the box during building work. Door can be hung door later, when there is less chance of site damage. Designed so that the door can be hung on the left or right-hand side of the pre-installed box to best suit local conditions.  In 1979 the standard R5 was tested...

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