Ritherdon Online Shop Product Blog — Material

Choose Stainless Steel to Avoid Zinc Whiskers

Electrical Enclosures Material

Choose Stainless Steel to Avoid Zinc Whiskers

The formation of zinc whiskers on the surface of zinc coated steel can be a costly oversight. Zinc whiskers, as they are commonly know, are zinc particles that "grow" on the surface of zinc coated steel - commonly galvanised or electroplated steel. The pressure that is applied during the coating process causes zinc formations to push outwards on the coated steel over time. The "fuzz" that coats galvanised steel is what is referred to as zinc whiskers.  These small zinc particles accumulate and can get pulled into the electrical equipment causing short circuits and faults. Avoid zinc whiskers altogether by choosing a...

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Why Do Unpainted Pillars and Cabinets Cost More Than Powder Coated Pillars & Cabinets?

Applications Electrical Enclosures FAQ FAQs Material

Why Do Unpainted Pillars and Cabinets Cost More Than Powder Coated Pillars & Cabinets?

All Standard Powder Coated Cabinets & Feeder Pillars are manufactured from 4003 Grade of Stainless Steel. While 4003 is highly resistant to atmospheric corrosion, it is not recommended for use as a decorative stainless steel (e.g. unpainted and polished). This is because in more aggressively corrosive environments it can discolour producing a tarnished look to its surface.  To avoid this staining in more corrosive environments, 4003 grade of stainless steel products are always powder coated for external use. For a Natural Finish we manufacture using higher grades of steel, using 304 and 316 grade. Unlike 4003, 304 and stainless steel...

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Why Stainless Steel? & Which Grade Do I Need For My Location?

Applications Electrical Enclosures FAQs Material Meter Box Repair

Why Stainless Steel? & Which Grade Do I Need For My Location?

Ritherdon have been manufacturing various enclosures probably since the 1940's and, up until the 1990's, had only used stainless steel for special circumstances where the extra cost could be justified.  However, in the late 1990's, when the cheaper, ferritic stainless known as 3Cr12 was specified as EN1.4003 in Europe, Ritherdon saw its potential as a cost effective and superior material for external enclosures. Traditionally, in the street enclosure market, galvanised mild steel had been used (particularly for feeder pillars):  the zinc coating providing a level of protection for the mild steel.  More precise manufacturing is required to produce stainless steel...

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