Power Supply Enclosures
Our biggest customers in the field of industrial metering and steel meter boxes are the major regional electricity companies, with whom Ritherdon have worked for many years. As the electricity sector becomes de-regulated, there is an increasing need for other parties to install electrical metering equipment, for example landlords who own light industrial or commercial properties.
Over the years, Ritherdon’s team of electrical technicians have developed an efficient wiring department providing a range of enclosures and panels for industrial metering applications.
You'll find:
- Kiosks - Power supply kiosks or enclosures, with two separate lockable, individual compartments for new power supply connections (Permanent or Temporary).
- Ritherdon CT Chamber - Metering Panel for CT metering with Testing Block prewired and separate individual phases (CTs included and sold separately). Widely used in UKPN area.
- Metering Panels - MOD156 Metering Panel, with modular options. Made as per specification from DNO ENW (NW England area). CT for MOD156 and Fuse holders available.
- Metering Panels - Low voltage Remote Metering for COP2, COP3 and COP5 metering arrangements. Doesn't include CTs.