Guide to Repairing a Brown Gas Meter Box

Meter Box Repair

Brown gas meter boxes tend to be installed on the floor. These gas meter boxes are prone to damage as they can be easily stepped on. 

Ritherdon provides an easy solution to repair broken brown gas boxes with the R24 range of lid and frames. 

They're two main sizes in the market - Hepworth style gas meter boxes and Mitras style gas meter boxes.

We have made lids and also Lid and Frames for when the box is really damaged and you have no frame to mount a new lid onto.

Let's walk you through them:

For floor-mounted boxes with a damaged lid

R24H - Hepworth style 

R24H Lid  Size of the lid is 415mm wide by 440 long/deep.

R24M - Mitras style

R24M Lid Size of the lids is 473 wide by 341 long/deep.

If you also need to repair the frame together with the lid -

Choose a Lid+Frame Option

R24H Hepworth style Lid and Frame

R24H Same sizing applies as before - Size of the lid is 413 mm wide by 437.5 long/deep.

R24H Frame Height of 421mm and Width 406mm. The gas pipe cutout is 75mm from the top of the frame on the right-hand side. 

R24M Mitras style Lid and Frame

R24M Same sizing applies as before - Size of the lids is 470 wide by 340 long/deep.

R24M Frame Height of 331mm and width of 473mm. The gas pipe cutout is 75mm from the top of the frame on the right-hand side.

All our repair units come with fixings. In the case of the R24 Lid and Frame. 

For fitting the door to the frame there is a kit of nylon fixings - 2 x screws, 2 x spacers and 2 x nuts.

For fitting the frame there are four screws that are for fitting the bracket which has threaded holes in it – no nuts are needed for this.

Also, four screws and nuts for fixing the frame to the GRP box. There are four because not all of the holes in the frame will be accessible inside the GRP box.

See how to repair a broken semi-concealed gas meter box in this video: 

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