Guide for Selecting a Meter Box Repair Unit

Meter Box Repair

Measure the three external dimensions of the damaged meter box, find them in the first column in the tables below and look across columns 2 and 3 to find the appropriate Ritherdon Door and Frame unit.

Note whether it is an electric or gas meter box.

Damaged Electricity Meter Boxes

Measurements taken of GRP Box in mm (hwd) Option 1 Option 2
640 x 230 x 33 Slimline R7
623 x 542 x 97 R7 Extra Deep Large R10 Extra Deep
670 x 500 x 80 Medium R10 Extra Deep Large R10 Extra Deep
612 x 426 x 33 Small R17 Small R10
682 x 487 x 35 Medium R17 Medium R10
685 x 485 x 30 Medium R17 Medium R10
690 x 493 x 45 Medium R17 Medium R10
770 x 550 x 65 Large R17 Large R10 Extra Deep
793 x 565 x 33 Large R17 Large R10
828 x 279 x 60 Slimline R18
830 x 280 x 60 Slimline R18
595 x 409 x 60 R18E Small R10 Extra Deep
595 x 410 x 60 R18E Small R10 Extra Deep
600 x 400 x 220 R26  
792 x 399 (metal) R27 Large R10 Extra Deep
603 x 436 x 62


Small R10 Extra Deep

 Damaged Gas Meter Boxes

Measurements taken of GRP Box in mm (hwd) Option 1 Option 2
595 x 409 x 60 R18G Small R10 Extra Deep
500 x 445 x 230 R22G R21G
503 x 408 x 224 R22G R21G
450 x 395 x 9 R23G Small R10G
603 x 436 x 62 R28G Small R10G Extra Deep

 Semi-concealed Gas Meter Boxes or Floor-mounted Gas Meter Boxes

For gas meter boxes that are fitted in the ground, you should measure the box or frame without the lid.  

320 x 450 (without lid)  R24M  Lid  or Lid and Frame (also available for Tall, prepayment gas boxes)
415 x 400 (without lid)  R24H Lid or Lid and Frame


Once you have identified the correct repair unit, you can find fitting instructions here.  It might be worth looking at these before you order to clarify how the units work. Easily order online and receive your meter box repair unit in 48 hours from stock. A few hand tools and you will have repaired your meter box in minutes!

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